4th June 2021 Announcements

Smoked Pork Chop Sales

Thank you to everyone who has participated in the Harriston Packing Co. meat fundraiser. It has been a great success! Orders are due on June 4th, so call 519-986-3019 if you have a last minute order. Your frozen meat will arrive at the church on Friday June 18, 2021.  You are asked to pick up your order at the church from 3:00 pm to 5:00 p.m. on that day.  Delivery, if necessary, can be arranged by calling John Lewis at 519-379-1685 by Wednesday June 16th. If you do not wish to purchase any product, but would like to support this endeavour, any and all monetary donations will be gratefully accepted. 

Grateful for Woodworkers

THANK YOU TO THE ANNESLEY WOODWORKERS’ GUILD! Last weekend, they responded to a request by Joanne Timmins to build 2 Garden Boxes. The volunteers were Ben Patey, who designed the Garden Boxes, as well as Dale Beare, Boyde Colwell, Catherine Lawson, Randy Clarke and Doug Dickie. With regrets, volunteers who could not attend were Lacy Sciamanna, Anthony Sciamanna, and Mark Waugh. They had beautiful weather and hard working Helpers. The build took some 3.30 hours to complete. THANK YOU.

People & Places

Long time member of the Annesley congregation and Trustee Mona Livingstone is leaving Markdale to live close to family members in London. We wish Mona all the best in this new chapter.

Annual Report

Due to the current Stay at home order in Ontario,  The Annual General Meeting, had to be delayed once again. The Annual Report is ready, digital copies have been sent out. Let us know if you want a paper copy, and one will be provided to you.

In The Library

Pawprints on the Heart,  Animal Stories from Grey-Bruce. These delightful stories will warm your heart. Collected from all over Grey and Bruce County by Dr. Debbie Boyd, each story is a true telling of relationships with animals. The foreward is written by Lynn Johnston.  As you share the intimate journeys with local animals, you will recognize familiar owners, including our own Eileen Daikens. From wonder dogs to unusual pet goats to remarkable felines and even a cross-country riding camel, each of the stories describes the life-altering human-animal bond. Please call Patti if you wish to borrow this treasure. Our library is a gifted resource. Keep it viable by using it.

FundScrip: The next order date is Friday, June 25th

The next order date will be Friday, June 25th. June promotions include: Gap, Banana Republic & Old Navy (9%), Kernels Popcorn (10%), and The Ultimate Dining Card (Montana’s Harvey’s Swiss Chalet, Milestones, Kelseys, East Side Mario’s etc. 7%) Click on the order form to download the PDF. 

Prayer Shawl Ministry

Prayer Shawl Ministry is an important part of Annesley’s outreach. Warm and cozy shawls are given to those of the congregation and community who are bereaved or seriously ill. The appropriate yarn must be purchased. If you would like to help, put your donation in an envelope marked Prayer Shawl and your name and send it to the church office. If you know anyone in the community who would benefit from receiving a prayer shawl, please contact Jean at 519-986-2702.

 Centering Prayer – You are invited to join with the individuals of the Centering Prayer Group on Monday afternoons at 2 P.M. There are no rules. There is no need for preparation. And no signup is required. Only a willingness to rest in a time of quiet, that is shared with others. While we miss meeting in person during these dark times, we welcome everyone in a warm invitation to join us “in the spirit”.

Reusable Cloth Masks– Nancy Edwards has sewn and provided several reusable (washable) masks, to be given to anyone who needs a mask. There are two sizes: Adult (14+), and  Children’s  (4-12).  If  you need masks, you are welcome to come to the church office to get them.  She also has a pattern and some elastic available, if anyone is interested in sewing some.  Thank you, Nancy! *NOTE :  If you got your mask at Annesley and you want to convert it into a 3-layer mask, there is an opening in the seam on the inside of the mask. You can insert an extra piece of cloth or coffee filter. Remove the coffee filter before washing and replace with a new one.

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