ONLINE AUCTION – Bidding is heating up!
Annesley’s September 23rd ONLINE AUCTION is on the Sydenham Auction/Rockford Auction website. 10,000 subscribers are now viewing the items and updating their bids until the evening of September 23rd (LESS THAN 1 WEEK LEFT!) To take part in the fun, go to and follow the links to register. If you have any questions, call the office at 519-986-3019 or Diane at 519-317-5717
Additional information:
NO SHIPPING for anything in this auction.
Preview day is between 10:00 – 4:00 p.m. on Wednesday, Sept 22nd at the church.
Bidding closes (soft close) on Thursday, Sept 23rd at 7:00 p.m.
Pick up is scheduled for Saturday, Sept. 25th between 9:00 – 5:00 p. m. from the church. NOTE: Large, heavy items are requested to be picked up after 2pm and Please bring your own muscle/help.
Annesley United Church is located at 82 Toronto St (HWY 10), Markdale, ON. Parking is on the street or in the South East Grey Community Centre’s parking lot.
Any questions can be directed to Diane at 519-317-5717 or Patti at 519-986-3019.
The Annesley Community is fundraising in order to support and continue a variety of Outreach commitments including those directed by Mission and Services as well as the Christmas Hamper Program etc.
COVID has restricted some of the programs but we look forward to returning to full capacity soon.
Auction Volunteers
As we approach the September 23rd online auction, we are asking for volunteers to fill a number of 2 hour (or more) shifts on Pick Up Day (Saturday, September 25th). From 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m., we need 4 volunteers to cover the desk and 4-6 volunteers to retrieve items. Volunteers are in place for Preview Day, Sept. 22nd.
We also need help on Thursday, September 23rd, and Friday, September 24th after 10:00 a.m. to pack and label all the lots in preparation for Pick Up Day.
Outside traffic control is generally covered but additional assistance is welcome.
If you are able to help, please contact Dale at 519-270-0785 or, or Diane at 519-317-5717 or Thank you in advance for your help. Dale and Diane.
FundScrip – Order date is NEXT FRIDAY (September 24th)
September promotions are: GAP/Old Navy/Banana Republic (9%), Ultimate Dining Card (Swiss Chalet/Harvey’s/Kelseys/Montana’s etc.): (7%), Kernels (10%), Canadian Tire (5%)

In the Library
Gentle Discipline Using Emotional Connection – Not Punishment – to Raise Confident, Capable Kids by Sarah Ockwell-Smith Filled with research-based solutions to try today, this guide helps parents of toddlers as well as older children embrace a new, more enlightened way to help kids listen, learn and grow.
Our library is a valuable resource. Keep it viable by using it.
Summer Newsletter
Annesley’s Summer Newsletter is here:

Prayer Shawl Ministry
The Prayer Shawl Ministry is an important part of Annesley’s outreach. Warm and cozy shawls are given to those of the congregation and community who are bereaved or seriously ill. The appropriate yarn must be purchased. If you would like to help, put your donation in an envelope marked Prayer Shawl and your name and send it to the church office. If you know anyone in the community who would benefit from receiving a prayer shawl, please contact Jean at 519-986-2702
Centering Prayer
You are invited to join with the individuals of the Centering Prayer Group on Monday afternoons at 2 p.m. There are no rules. There is no need for preparation. And no signup is required. Only a willingness to rest in a time of quiet, that is shared with others. While we miss meeting in person during these dark times, we welcome everyone in a warm invitation to join us “in the spirit”.
Reusable Cloth Masks
Nancy Edwards has sewn and provided several reusable (washable) masks, to be given to anyone who needs a mask. There are two sizes: Adult (14+), and Children’s (4-12). If you need masks, you are welcome to come to the church office to get them. She also has a pattern and some elastic available, if anyone is interested in sewing some. Thank you, Nancy!
*NOTE : If you got your mask at Annesley and you want to convert it into a 3-layer mask, there is an opening in the seam on the inside of the mask. You can insert an extra piece of cloth or coffee filter. Remove the coffee filter before washing and replace with a new one.