9th July 2021 Announcements


The Annual General Meeting

The Annual General Meeting will be held July 14th at 7:00 p.m. in the sanctuary.  We will be using the meeting to test seating and traffic flow for eventual in-church services, so please R.S.V.P. (519-986-3019) if you plan to attend. The Annual Report is ready and digital copies have been sent out.    Let us know if you want a paper copy, and one will be provided to you. 

In the Library

Thriving churches in the twenty-first century  – 10 life giving systems for vibrant ministry’ 

Gary McIntosh & Daniel Reeves   As churches position themselves for healthy, growing ministry, pastors and church leaders must understand the changes that affect the church. “But more importantly “, Gary McIntosh and Daniel Reeves write, “churches need to focus on being intentional in how they respond.” Using the analogy of the human body, Thriving Churches in the twenty-first century explores the ten interacting systems that make up a healthy body. If working together, these life-giving systems, which include spiritual energy, mentoring and intentional evangelism, will help your church experience lasting spiritual growth and robust ministry. Our library is a valuable resource. Keep it viable by using it. 


The next FundScrip order date is Friday July 23rd. July’s specials are: Ultramar (2.5%), DeSerre (7%) and The Canadian Brewhouse (10%)

Online Auction planned for September

The online auction held last fall was a resounding success, due to the great quality and quantity of items donated. However, a lot of work was done by just a few people.
If anyone would like to help with the appraisal, descriptions and cataloguing of items for the auction, please call the church office at 519-986-3019 or Diane at 519-317-5717

ONLINE AUCTION donations may be delivered to the church between 10:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m.Monday to Friday during July and until August 14th. Items should be in good working condition, in as new or new condition, and cleaned. A thorough description of items will make it easier for volunteers to catalogue the items for the auction.

Examples of auction items:

  • HANDMADE CRAFTS: Knitting, crocheting, quilting, rug hooking, sewing, grapevine wreaths,handmade Christmas décor, jewelry, pottery, paintings, stained glass and woodworking etc.
  • USED ITEMS IN GOOD WORKING ORDER-clean and new or like new, small kitchen appliances, chinaware, dishes, vintage or antique collectibles, sports cards, books

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