20th January, 2023 Announcements

You are welcome to join us for the January 22nd Sunday service at 10:30 a.m. in person!

If you feel unwell, or cannot attend in person, the services are live streamed at 10:30 a.m. on Sundays, and will be posted to the YouTube channel for future viewing. To watch the Annesley Sunday Services on YouTube:  Annesley United Church’s YouTube Channel is: https://www.youtube.com/c/AnnesleyUnitedChurch

Annesley Quilt Makers – Meeting Wednesday, January 25th

The Quilt Makers will be meeting in Fellowship Hall from 9:00 – 2:00. Everyone is welcome to join them. No sewing experience required. Please bring a lunch.  Coffee and tea will be provided.

FundScrip – Next order date will be on Sunday, January 29th

Download an updated order form here:


Invitation from the Affirming Ministry Team

The Annesley  Affirming Team invites you to watch and discuss a 10-minute YouTube video produced by Riverside United Church, London ON, that highlights their church’s journey to becoming an Affirming Church. Our team hopes to explore with our congregation members the possibility of Annesley becoming an Affirming Church.   Questions that many folks have are “Why do we need to become an Affirming Church? We are already an open an inclusive church. And why do we need a process?  That is so United Church! Is this really necessary?  The Riverside video addresses some of these issues and is a good discussion starter.                                           WhenSunday January 29th after the service in the sanctuary.   Please join us for the video and following discussion. Bring your questions! Help yourself to coffee or tea from the trolley in the Narthex  after the service, and we will provide snacks for you in the Sanctuary.  Hope to see you on the 29th

The Annesley Choir – An invitation from Brenda Dimoff

To all people who love to sing and share their joy of praising God, I invite you, no matter what age you are or skill level, to join with the choir each Sunday at 9:30 a.m. in the Fellowship Hall. It is a time of preparation for the upcoming services. The atmosphere is relaxed, educational and fun. Please contact me, Brenda Dimoff, if interested to find out more about choir. You can call me at 519-794-0874 or email at dimoff@gbaytel.ca  I look forward to new faces and  voices.                    Brenda Dimoff

Flower Power

Coffee! Cookies! Kids! Choir! Chatter! Smiles! Fun is returning to Annesley. Winter is still with us, but spring is closer, with sun and colour. The Annesley family have always been known for their generosity, hospitality and community welcome. Now we can lighten up, brighten up and even cheer up as we enjoy the peace and beauty of our church together. p.s The Flower Fund needs a little “fertilizer” to be ready to “blossom” with all of the celebrations ahead.             *See your name in print, too!

The Annual General Meeting

The AGM is planned for Sunday, April 30th after the morning service. If you are part of a committee or club you are welcome to write your report early, and submit them to the office so the Annual Report can be prepared.

Task Teams hard at work

Many exciting things are happening around the building!   Feel free to stroll through to see the progress being made to make the basement rooms inviting, clean and bright, and check out the completed Wesley Room.  The Refresh Team (and helpers) are working hard every day.  Thank them for their efforts when you stop by!  If you have more time these days, your help and vision are always welcome.

2023 Envelopes

2023 Envelopes are available in the Narthex. The ones in town are being delivered, but if you have a rural address, they can be picked up any time the building is open. 

Still Standing – Viewing Party – February 15th!

Annesley is hosting a viewing party of the Markdale episode of “Still Standing” on February 15th in the Sanctuary!  Mark your calendars and plan to come out and watch the episode on a big screen with your community! Refreshments will be available.

New in the Library

Undivided Love: Navigating Landscapes of Living Faith   by Janet Gear                             Gear offers readers a sympathetic way to interpret the belief-inspire actions of those around them without assuming homogeneous understandings of God, the church, and our place in the world.       “You may need people in your congregation that frustrate you.”                               “… need to be cajoled out of the building and into the neighbourhood.”

Help Wanted – Search Team

As voted on by the congregation on Sunday, October 23rd, 2022, a search team was again formed for Annesley United Church. The team will be working to get Annesley’s profile updated and put out on the church hub once more.   At this time, a few people have come forward to be a part of this team. More hands are needed. It cannot be done with just a few people. We need help. We understand people’s time is precious, but we would like to have a few others so that the work can be shared. Many of the tasks can be divided so that it will be manageable. Please speak with to Steacy DenHaan, Kathy Fraser or Rev. Kathy Underwood about how you could help. It is exciting times ahead, but we need a little help if we want to move forward.  Thank you.

Required Urgently : Archivist

Are you interested in the history of Annesley Church? Are you an organized soul who appreciates the need to preserve what has built this religious community? A multitude of photos and documents have been collected, but need a discerning hand to collate and protect them. Please consider this request seriously. Your skills are urgently needed. Contact Patti at the office,519-986-3019, or Lynn at 519-986-3707

Annesley’s Advent Newsletter

The Advent Newsletter is HERE! You can read it or download a copy below.


World Day of Prayer – March 3rd

World Day of Prayer is Friday, March 3rd. Annesley is hosting the Markdale service at 2:00 p.m. that day. Plan to join us for this special service.

Centering Prayer

“Centering Prayer is an idealized method to facilitate the development of Contemplative Prayer, preparing our faculties to receive this sun. It is an attempt to present the teachings of ancient Christian knowledge in an updated way.”  Father Keating  All are welcome.

Grey County Cares

Support our Ukrainian refugees in Grey County by buying a button for $10 or more – donations go directly to Ukrainian refugees in Grey County. Sponsored by the Rotary Club.  Buttons are in the office.

Visioning Team’s Final Report

It is not too late to volunteer to help with one of the tasks identified in the Visioning Team’s Report. Your ideas and help are needed!

A Copy of the Visioning Team’s Final Report can be found here:


Prayer Shawl Ministry 

The Prayer Shawl Ministry is an important part of Annesley’s outreach. Warm and cozy shawls are given to those of the congregation and community who are bereaved or seriously ill. The appropriate yarn must be purchased. If you would like to help, put your donation in an envelope marked Prayer Shawl and your name and send it to the church office. If you know anyone in the community who would benefit from receiving a prayer shawl, please call the office at 519-986-3019.

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