9th February, 2024 Announcements

You are welcome to join us for the February 11th service at 10:30 a.m. in person!

If you feel unwell, or cannot attend in person, the services are live streamed at 10:30 a.m. on Sundays, and will be posted to the YouTube channel for future viewing. To watch the Annesley Sunday Services on YouTube:  Annesley United Church’s YouTube Channel is: https://www.youtube.com/c/AnnesleyUnitedChurch

Grey Highlands Still Standing Remaining Upright: A Year in Review

On Saturday, February 17th at 7:00 p.m.   In the vein of CBC’s Still Standing, a fun look back on the past year in Grey Highlands. Free Admission. (Donations accepted). Food and refreshments available. Presented by Annesley Events.

World Day of Prayer – March 1st, 2:00 p.m.

The service this year will be at Cooke’s Presbyterian Church, 14 George Street, Markdale.Please join us for World Day of Prayer, a prayer movement that invites us to enrich our faith experience with the experience of Christians from other countries and cultures and to bring hop to women touched by injustice.

Skating Outreach in Markdale – Ice Rental for the Community

Yahoo! The Annesley family completed the skating puzzle this week with a wonderful donation of hot chocolate, marshmallows and even the cups for complimentary (read “free”) hot chocolate for the Family Day skate at the arena! Our own Foodland grocery store eagerly participated with the gifts as  “we are part of the community”. We need to pay back their generosity by shopping there with our own FundScrip cards! It’s a win-win!

For everyone who was able to participate in the skating project, either financially or in spirit, a really big thanks for showing Markdale that we are here and have a lot to give to our community. You know, there is always a project waiting to be embraced. You might want to think about our Rotary Park that is still not handicap accessible when we meet, say, for our church picnic. Just “sayin'”!

Broadview Magazine Subscriptions are due March 2024

Broadview Subscriptions are coming due in March. Our group subscription runs from April, 2024 to March 2025. Subscriptions are $30, and payment can be dropped off at the office, mailed to Annesley United Church, PO Box 573m Markdale, ON N0C 1H0, or on the collection plate marked “Broadview”. New subscriptions are welcome!

Coldest Night of the Year – February 24th

Coldest Night of the Year  is a winterrific family-friendly fundraising walk in support of local charities serving people experiencing hurt, hunger and homelessness.  This event takes place on February 24th. Team up, fundraise, walk and take a moment to look closer… because it is cold out there.  Supporting South East Grey Community Health Centre and the United Way Bruce Grey.  Sponsor a team at:   cnoy.org/register

FundScrip – Next order date is February 25th

February Promotions include: Foodland, Sobey’s, FreshCo, IGA (5%), and GAP, Old Navy, Banana Perpublic (9%) Order forms can be found below, or at the office. Download an updated order form here:


South East Grey Community Health Centre Needs

The Southeast Grey Community Health Centre  is in need of reusable bags to help the clients of the Community Pantry.  The bags are washed by SEGCHC, so even used bags are appreciated.     They are also looking for :  (in good condition)  mittens, gloves, hats, men’s casual pants, sweatpants, towels and blankets. Also, travel-sized shampoo, conditioner, body wash and body lotion to help the less fortunate in our community.    Coming up will be the need for spring, summer & fall jackets, raincoats and splash pants for all.  Thank you to those who have donated. The items can be dropped off at the Patient Entrance.

Annesley Quilt Makers

The Annesley Quiltmakers will next get together for a quilt day on Wednesday, February 21th from 9:30-2:30 in Fellowship Hall. Please bring your own lunch/snack. We will provide tea and coffee.

Annual Congregational Meeting

Annual Congregational Meeting – April 7th

The Annual meeting will be held Sunday, April 7th after the service.  Everyone is invited to attend.  If you are the leader of a group or a committee, please submit a 2023 report by early March, so that the Annual Report can be completed and available to read by March 24th.

Car Rally

The Car Rally is coming back this spring!- Stay tuned for details!

Flower Power

We are racing toward Easter, and that signals Lilies in our sanctuary and chocolate in our baskets (I hope). The note cards are almost all gone. You may also want a ceramic trivet emblazoned with the church picture for teapots, hot pots, wind chimes(?) – whatever your artistic side can produce. I think the selling price might amaze you, just ask.

Paige Warner will be back on March 1st at 8:00 p.m.

Everyone enjoyed Paige’s Christmas concert at Annesley, so we are pleased to advise that she will be back on March 1st. Tickets available at the office or at annesley.events. $25.00 in advance, $30 at the door.  Live Stream tickets also available for $15.

A Message from the Board of Elders

This past fall was a very busy time at Annesley! The online auction was successful, although earnings were considerably down from previous years. The delicious takeout chicken BBQ was once again very successful and enjoyed by all! In October we bid Rev. Kathy Underwood a fond farewell and thanked her for her leadership, guidance, inspiration and spiritual support these past several years. In mid November we welcomed Rev. Christine Smaller on a part time basis, providing more consistent pulpit supply, pastoral care support and to act as our Pastoral Charge Supervisor. Rev. Christine guided us through a wonderful Advent Season which culminated in a beautiful and well attended Candle Light Christmas Eve Service, prepared and led by Phyllis Fleming. 

The Scott Woods Band returned to Annesley in early November and performed to a very large crowd. This was an Annesley fundraiser supported by the ANNESLEY EVENTS group. Despite community interest, we were unable to hold a Christmas Bazaar this year due to a lack of volunteers. In mid December, The Community Christmas Choir delivered two outstanding performances at Annesley to large appreciative crowds. Prior to Christmas, Dale Armstrong and her “band of angels”, coordinated, packed and delivered Food and Gift Hampers to 66 families in the community this year. 

ANNESLEY EVENTS is a secular, non-profit (soon to be) corporation, which evolved from our Visioning process. ANNESLEY EVENTS was also very busy this fall through the Christmas Season arranging a number of musical, word, and other cultural performances, events, exhibitions and presentations for the community at large. Board and ANNESLEY EVENTS representatives had one meeting in October, and hope to have ongoing discussions.  We are seeking clarification around questions posed by congregants and Board members. We are also requesting estimated timelines for what ANNESLEY EVENTS plans to accomplish in 2024 and beyond and how this can benefit Annesley UC, long term. Both parties recognize the need to support and work together.

Amid weak givings, it is unlikely that we will be able to hire a fulltime minister anytime soon. We have been blessed to have Rev. Christine for the past several months, but she is seeking permanent employment and is considering both part time and full time opportunities. The congregation is welcome and encouraged to share your thoughts and recommendations on how we should supply ministry, post March 31.  

Given our current financial situation, 2024 will continue to be a challenging year. Please be prepared for some hard choices in the days ahead.

All for now.

Annesley Board of Elders

Elder Abuse Awareness in Grey Bruce

Seniors are at risk for Fraud, Scam and Home takeovers. Information is available for seniors to protect themselves.  See the poster on the whiteboard in the Narthex for information to schedule a presentation, or contact Amber Jackson at the South East Grey Community Health Centre: 519-986-2222 ext. 6390  or amber.jackson@segchc.ca

Annesley Choir

To all people who love to sing and share their joy of praising God, I invite you, no matter what age you are or skill level, to join with the choir each Sunday at 9:30 a.m. in the Fellowship Hall. It is a time of preparation for the upcoming services. The atmosphere is relaxed, educational and fun. Please contact me, Brenda Dimoff, if interested to find out more about choir.  You can call me at 519-794-0874 or email at dimoff@gbtel.ca  I look forward to new faces and  voices.

Home At Last (HAL)

HAL is a FREE settling in service to help people who have been in hospital to discharge home. The goal of the program is to facilitate an earlier discharge or unnecessary re-admission to hospital by providing transitional support services and links to community support services wen needed. FOr more information, contact the VON Grey Bruce Office at 519-376-5895/1-800-265-3138 Extension 402 Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Brenda & Peter Dimoff: CDs available due to popular demand

We have all been enjoying the music of Brenda and Peter Dimoff during the Sunday services. Many people have asked where they can get a copy of their CD, so Brenda and Peter have graciously responded by producing copies of the CD, as a fund raiser for Annesley!  For a donation of $20 or more to Annesley, you receive a copy of this wonderful CD.  They will be available each Sunday, or at the office during the week. 

Grey County Cares

Support our Ukrainian refugees in Grey County by buying a button for $10 or more – donations go directly to Ukrainian refugees in Grey County. Sponsored by the Rotary Club.  Buttons are in the office.

Visioning Team’s Final Report

A Copy of the Visioning Team’s Final Report can be found here:


Prayer Shawl Ministry 

The Prayer Shawl Ministry is an important part of Annesley’s outreach. Warm and cozy shawls are given to those of the congregation and community who are bereaved or seriously ill. The appropriate yarn must be purchased. If you would like to help, put your donation in an envelope marked Prayer Shawl and your name and send it to the church office. If you know anyone in the community who would benefit from receiving a prayer shawl, please call the office at 519-986-3019.

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