6th August, 2021 Announcements

Conversation Café Information

Conversation Café Bereavement Support Group

The Residential Hospice of Grey Bruce will be hosting a bereavement support group beginning Tuesday, August 31st, for 6 consecutive Tuesday evenings via Zoom.  It is open to anyone who has experienced a loss through death. Registration is limited. For more information, email Rev. Jan Temples-Jones, B.A., M. Div. at Grey Bruce Health Services at: jtemplejones@greybrucehospice.com

FundScrip – Next order date is Friday, August 20th

August promotions are:  St. Hubert (5%), Roots (15%), Earl’s (10%), Indigo/Coles/Chapters (7%)


Another ONLINE AUCTION is happening on September 23rd!

Fellowship Hall is quickly filling up! Thank you to everyone who has donated items. ONLINE AUCTION donations may be delivered to the church between 10:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. Monday to Friday during July and until August 14th.  Items should be in good working condition, in as new or new condition, and cleaned

A thorough description of items will make it easier for volunteers to catalogue the items for the auctionSee the form below to fill in with the donation of your items.          

Examples of auction items:                                                                   

  • HANDMADE CRAFTS: Knitting, crocheting, quilting, rug hooking, sewing, grapevine wreaths, handmade Christmas décor, jewelry, pottery, paintings, stained glass and woodworking etc.
  • USED ITEMS IN GOOD WORKING ORDER-clean and new or like new, small kitchen appliances, chinaware, dishes, vintage or antique collectibles, sports cards, books
  • GIFT CERTIFICATES AND GIFT CARDS – These can be purchased through FundScrip

Quilt Presentation at the Annual Meeting

At the Annual Congregational meeting on July 14th, the Annesley Quilt Makers presented a beautiful quilt made by Nancy Edwards to Chris and Helen Smits, who are moving to Nova Scotia. The Annesley family will miss the Smits, and we wish them the very best in their new home province!

In the Library

Present over Perfect – leaving behind frantic for a simpler, more soulful way of living‘ – Shauna Niequist                        

Written in Shauna’s warm and vulnerable style, this collection of essays focuses on the most important transformation in her life and maybe yours too. Leaving behind busyness and frantic living and rediscovering the person you were made to be this is a hand reaching out, pulling you free from the constant pressure to perform faster, push harder and produce more, all while maintaining an exhausting image of perfection. 

Our library is a valuable resource. Keep it viable by using it.                                    

Summer Newsletter

Annesley’s Summer Newsletter is here:

Prayer Shawl Ministry 

The Prayer Shawl Ministry is an important part of Annesley’s outreach. Warm and cozy shawls are given to those of the congregation and community who are bereaved or seriously ill. The appropriate yarn must be purchased. If you would like to help, put your donation in an envelope marked Prayer Shawl and your name and send it to the church office. If you know anyone in the community who would benefit from receiving a prayer shawl, please contact Jean at 519-986-2702

Centering Prayer

You are invited to join with the individuals of the Centering Prayer Group on Monday afternoons at 2 p.m. There are no rules. There is no need for preparation. And no signup is required. Only a willingness to rest in a time of quiet, that is shared with others. While we miss meeting in person during these dark times, we welcome everyone in a warm invitation to join us “in the spirit”.

Reusable Cloth Masks

Nancy Edwards has sewn and provided several reusable (washable) masks, to be given to anyone who needs a mask. There are two sizes: Adult (14+), and  Children’s  (4-12).  If  you need masks, you are welcome to come to the church office to get them.  She also has a pattern and some elastic available, if anyone is interested in sewing some.  Thank you, Nancy!       

*NOTE :  If you got your mask at Annesley and you want to convert it into a 3-layer mask, there is an opening in the seam on the inside of the mask. You can insert an extra piece of cloth or coffee filter. Remove the coffee filter before washing and replace with a new one.

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