30th August, 2024 Announcements

You are welcome to join us for the September 1st service at 10:30 a.m. in person!

If you feel unwell, or cannot attend in person, the services are live streamed at 10:30 a.m. on Sundays, and will be posted to the YouTube channel for future viewing. To watch the Annesley Sunday Services on YouTube:  Annesley United Church’s YouTube Channel is: https://www.youtube.com/c/AnnesleyUnitedChurch

Picnic Service at LutheRanch September 8th

We are having a picnic service at LutheRanch on September 8th. LutheRanch is located at 684138 Sideroad 30, Holland Centre. Bring your picnic lunch. Coffee, tea and water will be provided, and there is shelter. There are places to plug in appliances if you wish to bring a hot lunch. Rides will be arranged for anyone who needs one.

Scott Woods Band – September 13th

The Scott Woods Band will be back Sept 13th at 7:00 p.m.,  presenting an all new show “YeeHaw”Scott Woods brings his band, Champion Fiddler Kendra Norris, Champion Stepdancer Leo Stock, Guitar Virtuoso Steve Piticco, and Guest Vocalist & Bass Kurk Bernard.  Tickets are now available: $45.00  at the office or online at www.scottwoods.ca

Online Auction – Octobber 10th – Donations needed

The 2024 Online Auction of donated items will be held on October 10th.  Donation forms are now available, and can be picked up at the office, (or downloaded BELOW). We are looking for: China, Glassware, Books, Kitchenware, all in very good condition. Sorry, NO large furniture. Donations will be accepted during office hours starting Tuesday, September 2nd.  Once again, the auction will be held through Sydenham  Rockford Auctions You can register to take part at www.sydenhamauction.com                                 For further information, please call Dale at 519-270-0785 or Diane at 519-317-5717

Annesley Choir

To all people who love to sing and share their joy of praising God, I invite you, no matter what age you are or skill level, to join with the choir each Sunday at 9:30 a.m. in the Fellowship Hall. It is a time of preparation for the upcoming services. The atmosphere is relaxed, educational and fun. Please contact me, Brenda Dimoff, if interested to find out more about choir.  You can call me at 519-794-0874 or email at dimoff@gbtel.ca  I look forward to new faces and  voices.

FundScrip – Next order date is Sunday, September29th

September promotions include: Aerie/American Eagle (8%), Anycard (10%), Chef’s Plate/Hello Fresh (10%), Winners/Marshalls/HomeSense (8%)


“Just the Facts” – From the June 30th Financial Statements

Total Receipts: $79,597.67 Total Expenses: $80,887.26 Deficit (shortfall): ($1,289.50) This is a big improvement, thanks to the very hard work of the UCW/Shalom group and the volunteers for the many fund raisers held in April, May and June. We are moving in the right direction!

Grey Bruce Churches Facebook Page

An active Facebook Page where you can post and learn about church events, engage in discussions and connect with sister churches. Find out about Annesley’s friendly attempts to get Trinity Annan’s recipe for their pot pies! Search “Grey Bruce Churches”, ask to be friend and start sharing! Managed by Donna Phillips, Trinity Annan United Church

In the Library    

The Great Emergence by Phyllis Tickle.  

Rooted in the observation that massive transitions in the church happen about every 500 years, Phyllis Tickle shows readers that we live in such a time right now. She compares the Great Emergence to other “Greats” in the history of Christianity, including the Great Transformation (when God walked among us), Anyone who is interested in the future of the church in Canada, no matter what their personal affiliation, will find this book a fascinating exploration.

2023 Annual Report

Paper copies of the Annual Report are now available to read. Read and/or download a copy of the 2023 Annesley United Church Annual Report HERE:


Broadview Magazine Subscriptions were due March 2024

There are still a few people who have not paid for their Broadview subscription renewal– are you one of them?? Our group subscription runs from April, 2024 to March 2025. Subscriptions are $30, and payment can be dropped off at the office, mailed to Annesley United Church, PO Box 573 Markdale, ON N0C 1H0, or on the collection plate marked “Broadview”.

South East Grey Community Health Centre  : Needs for the Community Pantry

The Southeast Grey Community Health Centre  is in DIRE need of reusable bags. They can wash them.
ALSO (In good Condition):   Back to school clothing, Men’s and Women’s pants, Socks and coats for all ages and genders, clean towels, blankets, kitchen dish cloths and kitchen towels. Travel size toiletries eg shampoo, conditioner, body wash and body lotion.  The items can be dropped off at the Patient Entrance.

Elder Abuse Awareness in Grey Bruce

Seniors are at risk for Fraud, Scam and Home takeovers. Information is available for seniors to protect themselves.  See the poster on the whiteboard in the Narthex for information to schedule a presentation, or contact Amber Jackson at the South East Grey Community Health Centre: 519-986-2222 ext. 6390  or amber.jackson@segchc.ca

Home At Last (HAL)

HAL is a FREE settling in service to help people who have been in hospital to discharge home. The goal of the program is to facilitate an earlier discharge or unnecessary re-admission to hospital by providing transitional support services and links to community support services wen needed. FOr more information, contact the VON Grey Bruce Office at 519-376-5895/1-800-265-3138 Extension 402 Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Brenda & Peter Dimoff: CDs available due to popular demand

We have all been enjoying the music of Brenda and Peter Dimoff during the Sunday services. Many people have asked where they can get a copy of their CD, so Brenda and Peter have graciously responded by producing copies of the CD, as a fund raiser for Annesley!  For a donation of $20 or more to Annesley, you receive a copy of this wonderful CD.  They will be available each Sunday, or at the office during the week. 

Grey County Cares

Support our Ukrainian refugees in Grey County by buying a button for $10 or more – donations go directly to Ukrainian refugees in Grey County. Sponsored by the Rotary Club.  Buttons are in the office.

Visioning Team’s Final Report

A Copy of the Visioning Team’s Final Report can be found here:


Prayer Shawl Ministry 

The Prayer Shawl Ministry is an important part of Annesley’s outreach. Warm and cozy shawls are given to those of the congregation and community who are bereaved or seriously ill. The appropriate yarn must be purchased. If you would like to help, put your donation in an envelope marked Prayer Shawl and your name and send it to the church office. If you know anyone in the community who would benefit from receiving a prayer shawl, please call the office at 519-986-3019.

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