2nd June, 2023 Announcements

You are welcome to join us for the June 4th Sunday service at 10:30 a.m. in person!

If you feel unwell, or cannot attend in person, the services are live streamed at 10:30 a.m. on Sundays, and will be posted to the YouTube channel for future viewing. To watch the Annesley Sunday Services on YouTube:  Annesley United Church’s YouTube Channel is: https://www.youtube.com/c/AnnesleyUnitedChurch

Summer Services

All summer services from June 25-August 27 will start at 10:00 a.m. This is to accommodate a trial participation in worship with Southampton UC and others, using Hub Technology on June 25th, July 2nd, 23rd, 30th. All services will continue to be in person and streamed live. More details will be forthcoming after June 6th. There will be no services on August 6th and 13th.

Sunday School – Summer holiday

Sunday School will end on June 25th, and the children will be helping with Sundae Sunday that week. Supervised classes will resume on September 10th.

Coffee Time, Cake and Sundae Sundays!

On June 11th, we will be having a  celebration Cake! A time to celebrate birthdays, anniversaries, graduations, spring, summer, all events that bring happiness to you (even kitchen renos!)   And June 25th, July 23rd and August 27th will be SUNDAE SUNDAYS! Stay after the service for an ice cream treat and conversation!  Also, are you the “hostess with the mostess”? Do you secretly wish to host a coffee hour?  Let us know if you would like to host coffee time for a Sunday.

Annesley’s Plant Sale

Thank you to everyone who helped with the Plant sale. $586 was raised! 

Harriston Packing Company Fund Raiser

Thank you to everyone who participated in the Harriston Packing Company fund raiser. $1,580 was raised for Annesley’s General Fund from meat sales and donations.

From the Affirming Ministry Team

To celebrate Pride Month in June, the Annesley Affirming Ministry team is inviting you to join the Owen Sound Pride Parade Saturday afternoon June 17 at 3 p.m. Annesley members will be joining with other Grey Bruce churches to walk in the parade carrying the Annesley UC banner, and also a Pride Flag supplied by the Western Ontario Waterways regional council. United Churches have walked in the parade in the past, but this will be the first year that we will walk as a united group. Our church board gave approval for us to participate this year. Mark Waugh attended last year and said it was a truly joyous event.  We will post more details later. Please save the date and join in the celebration!    Jane Currah, Marlene Evans, Jill Lawford, John Lewis, Ralph Shilton, Heather Spry, Vicki Stevens, Mark Waugh

Centering Prayer: Friday afternoons at 1:30 in the sanctuary 

A Blessing for the Journey of Seeking God

When your soul whispers of its deepest longings,

May you quiet yourself to listen.

May you follow the path of yearning to the One alone who blends the uneven edges

Into a life of meaning.

May you meet and be united with God

And give thanks for the whispers

That led you there.

Author:  Fr. Carl J. Arico

Join us. 

Broadview Subscriptions – Renewals are now due!

There are still a few people who have not paid – Are you one of them? Our subscription runs from April, 2023 to March 2024. Renewal is still only $25. You can mark an envelope in the collection plate “Broadview”, mail a cheque to Annesley United Church, Box 573, Markdale, On N0C 1H0, or pay at the office during the week. New subscriptions are welcome!

FundScrip – Next order date is Sunday, June 25th.

Order forms can be found below, or at the office. Download an updated order form here:


The 2022 Annual Report

The Annual Report for 2022 is available HERE:

2022 ANNUAL REPORTDownload

Brenda & Peter Dimoff: CDs available due to popular demand

We have all been enjoying the music of Brenda and Peter Dimoff during the Sunday services. Many people have asked where they can get a copy of their CD, so Brenda and Peter have graciously responded by producing copies of the CD, as a fund raiser for Annesley!  For a donation of $20 or more to Annesley, you receive a copy of this wonderful CD.  They will be available each Sunday, or at the office during the week. 

Annesley’s email address is changing

Eastlink is discontinuing our email address at the end of the year, so we will begin sending and receiving most emails from : annesleyuc@gmail.com     E-transfers can be sent to annesleyunited@gmail.com

Online Auction – Back in 2023

Annesley will be organizing an online auction through the Rockford Auction Centre, probably mid September, so please save your items for donation! More details to follow.

Movie nights are coming back

After a 3 year COVID break, movie nights will be returning to Annesley! More details to be announced.

Task Teams hard at work

Many exciting things are happening around the building!   Feel free to stroll through to see the progress being made to make the rooms inviting, clean and bright, and check out the almost completed kitchen and the Wesley Room.  The Refresh Team (and helpers) are working hard every day.  Thank them for their efforts when you stop by!  If you have more time these days, your help and vision are always welcome.

Funeral Lunch Team needs help

The Funeral Lunch Group has reconvened , but are looking for people who would be kind enough to go on the phone list for donations of food (sandwiches, dessert squares, vegetable trays)  for funeral or community lunches. Please contact Korleen at 519 986 3293 or Karen at 519-986-2130.

The Annesley Choir – An invitation from Brenda Dimoff

To all people who love to sing and share their joy of praising God, I invite you, no matter what age you are or skill level, to join with the choir each Sunday at 9:30 a.m. in the Fellowship Hall. It is a time of preparation for the upcoming services. The atmosphere is relaxed, educational and fun. Please contact me, Brenda Dimoff, if interested to find out more about choir. WE NEED ALTOS! You can call me at 519-794-0874 or email at dimoff@gbtel.ca  I look forward to new faces and  voices.    Brenda Dimoff

VON – Grey Bruce offers Bereavement Support

Victorian Order of Nurses Grey Bruce offers bereavement support through  Bereavement Support Groups (in-person and by Zoom), DropIn Chats, A Mindfulness and Grief Webinar Series, and On-on-One Telephone Peer Bereavement Support.  For more information, contact Ingrid Bell, MSW at 519-376-5895 ext 560, or ingrid.bell@von.ca


Grey County Cares

Support our Ukrainian refugees in Grey County by buying a button for $10 or more – donations go directly to Ukrainian refugees in Grey County. Sponsored by the Rotary Club.  Buttons are in the office.

Visioning Team’s Final Report

It is not too late to volunteer to help with one of the tasks identified in the Visioning Team’s Report. Your ideas and help are needed!

A Copy of the Visioning Team’s Final Report can be found here:


Prayer Shawl Ministry 

The Prayer Shawl Ministry is an important part of Annesley’s outreach. Warm and cozy shawls are given to those of the congregation and community who are bereaved or seriously ill. The appropriate yarn must be purchased. If you would like to help, put your donation in an envelope marked Prayer Shawl and your name and send it to the church office. If you know anyone in the community who would benefit from receiving a prayer shawl, please call the office at 519-986-3019.

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