2nd December, 2022 Announcements

You are welcome to join us for the December 4th Service at 10:30 a.m. in person!

If you feel unwell, or cannot attend in person, the services are live streamed at 10:30 a.m. on Sundays, and will be posted to the YouTube channel for future viewing. To watch the Annesley Sunday Services on YouTube:  Annesley United Church’s YouTube Channel is: https://www.youtube.com/c/AnnesleyUnitedChurch

Coffee Time: Come to church a bit early to pick up a coffee or tea and a cookie “to go”! Bring your own mug or travel mug. Choose a pew, safely social distance, take off your mask, smile and enjoy some hospitality with our church friends.  Note: For the careful and cautious folks:  Sealed cookies.  For the fearless folks: “Free range” cookies. 

Friends of the South Grey Museum Event – Saturday, December 3rd

Friends of the South Grey Museum are presenting a premiere production of an original documentary: No Bed of Roses – Agnes Macphail’s Life in Politics on Saturday, December 3rd at 7:00 p.m. at Annesley. Doors will open at 6:30 p.m. Tickets by Freewill donation. General Admission.

The Christmas Basket Committee

The Christmas Basket Committee will be collecting donations of food items each week for the Christmas baskets. The requested items each week are:    

Dec. 4         Pancake Mix & Syrup

Dec. 11       Canned vegetables & beans

      Cash or gift cards would be gladly accepted.  Your help is greatly appreciated.  The baskets will be packed on December 19th and delivered on December 20th.

Schedule of Services and Events for Advent and Christmas – All are Welcome

  • December 4th 10:30 a.m. – Advent 2 service with Phyllis Fleming
  • December 11th 10:30 a.m. – Advent 3 Communion Service & with Rev. Underwood
    • 2:00 p.m. – Community Christmas Choir Concert in Sanctuary
  • December 12th 7:30 p.m. – Community Christmas Choir Concert
  • December 15th 7:00 p.m. – Service of Loss and Hope with Rev. Kathy Underwood
  • December 18th 10:30 a.m. -Advent 4 Service with Phyllis Fleming
  • December 24th 7:30 p.m. – Christmas Eve Candlelight Service with Phyllis Fleming
  • December 25th – NO SERVICE
  • January 1st – NO SERVICE

A Service of Loss and Hope – December 15th

For the most part, Christmas is a time of celebration and joy. For many, however, this is a difficult time of year. Many people are carrying significant weights: grief, loss, depression, anxiety, financial stress, unemployment, uncertainty, aging parents, sick children, recent diagnoses, unknown illnesses. The public tone of the season does not resonate with many people’s private experience.

The Pastoral Care Team recognizes this, and they are planning a service on the evening of  Thursday , December 15th to acknowledge and support people who are having a “Blue” Christmas.  If you, or anyone you know would benefit from this service, which will be led by Reverend Kathy Underwood, please join us on December 15th at 7:00 pm. 

Markdale Community Christmas Choir

The choir will be performing their annual Christmas Concert at Annesley United Church on Sunday December 11 at 2:00pm, and on December 12 at 7:30 p.m. Admission is through freewill donation. We hope to see you there!

The Annesley Choir – An invitation from Brenda Dimoff

I would like to introduce myself to you as the new Music Director. I am pleased to come on board with Annesley and continue the Music Ministry that has been established.

Now that life at the church is starting to have a new normal after pandemic, I would like to extend a welcome to all and anyone in the congregation who has always wanted to sing and use their talents to enhance our worship services, by participating in the choir. The roles of the members are very simple. First a desire to praise God through the singing of the hymns at our services, leading the congregation in worship and singing anthems.  Rehearsals will be Sunday mornings at 9:30 in Fellowship Hall. Services start at 10:30.  We hope to start as soon as possible, to prepare for the Advent and Christmas seasons. If so interested, please contact me through email or phone.  #519-794-0874 or email dimoff@gbtel.ca Thank you. Looking forward to hearing from you.                            Brenda Dimoff


( but not a sale and no garage!)  Where? : the downstairs kitchen  When?: before and after services Sunday Dec 4th and 11th                    What? : craft materials, kitchen and decorator items, glassware, CDs, books and more!                               There is a donation jar set out, but only if you wish to make a  small contribution. Thank you to Kayden Den Haan for suggesting we have a garage sale!   Any items remaining will be given away, so please take as much as you like.      *Sponsored by the Annesley declutter gang.

          Flower Power

          “Freaking” fantastic! The flower fund is growing! Is it “Name Fame” OR are there ‘60s flower children amongst us?  If the donations continue, we can all enjoy “Flower Joy” until our Most Excellent gardeners share the church gardens with us in spring, summer and fall. Maybe the gardeners could build a cutting garden or grow herbs to sell at the Fall bazaar? Flowers are our life metaphor—Grow and Bloom!

          Help Wanted – Search Team

          As voted on by the congregation on Sunday, October 23rd, 2022, a search team was again formed for Annesley United Church. The team will be working to get Annesley’s profile updated and put out on the church hub once more.   At this time, Kathy Fraser and Steacy Den Haan have come forward to be a part of this team. More hands are needed. It cannot be done with just two people. We need help. We understand people’s time is precious, but we would like to have a few others so that the work can be shared. Many of the tasks can be divided so that it will be manageable. Please speak with to Steacy, Kathy or Kathy Underwood about how you could help. It is exciting times ahead, but we need a little help if we want to move forward.  Thank you.

          Required Urgently : Archivist

          Are you interested in the history of Annesley Church? Are you an organized soul who appreciates the need to preserve what has built this religious community? A multitude of photos and documents have been collected, but need a discerning hand to collate and protect them. Please consider this request seriously. Your skills are urgently needed. Contact Patti at the office,519-986-3019, or Lynn at 519-986-3707

          Annesley’s Advent Newsletter

          The Advent Newsletter is HERE! You can read it or download a copy below.


          FundScrip – Next Order date will be in January

          Download an updated order form here:


          Centering Prayer

          Centering Prayer is an idealized method to facilitate the development of Contemplative Prayer, preparing our faculties to receive this sun. It is an attempt to present the teachings of ancient Christian knowledge in an updated way. Father Keating All are welcome.

          Grey County Cares

          Support our Ukrainian refugees in Grey County by buying a button for $10 or more – donations go directly to Ukrainian refugees in Grey County. Sponsored by the Rotary Club.  Buttons are in the office or in the Narthex on Sundays.

          Visioning Team’s Final Report

          It is not too late to volunteer to help with one of the tasks identified in the Visioning Team’s Report. Your ideas and help are needed!

          A Copy of the Visioning Team’s Final Report can be found here:


          From the Affirming Ministry Team

          At the November 8 board meeting, we were very pleased to receive formal approval to embark on the process toward becoming an Affirming Ministry. It’s our hope and prayer that we will become more intentionally and publicly welcoming and inclusive of  LBGTQ+ people through education, storytelling, dialogue, and engaging with the wider LBGTQ+ community.   This will take time and we won’t rush the process. Finally, the congregation will decide by voting whether to formally become Affirming. A positive decision needs to include a “yes” from at least three quarters of our members.                                        We have a keen group of Annesley members who are part of the affirming ministry team and we would be delighted to welcome more folks to our group. If you are interested please leave your name at the office and we will get in touch. 

                    Stay tuned! We are looking forward to engaging with our church on this journey. 

          Prayer Shawl Ministry 

          The Prayer Shawl Ministry is an important part of Annesley’s outreach. Warm and cozy shawls are given to those of the congregation and community who are bereaved or seriously ill. The appropriate yarn must be purchased. If you would like to help, put your donation in an envelope marked Prayer Shawl and your name and send it to the church office. If you know anyone in the community who would benefit from receiving a prayer shawl, please call the office at 519-986-3019.

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