25th March, 2022 Announcements

You are welcome to join us March 27th in Person!!

COVID-19 Protocols (Masks, No singing, Distancing, Pre-screening and vaccine verification at the door).

If you feel unwell, or are not comfortable attending in person, the services are live streamed at 10:30 a.m. on Sundays, and will be posted to the YouTube channel for future viewing. To watch the Annesley Sunday Services on YouTube:          Annesley United Church’s YouTube Channel is: https://www.youtube.com/c/AnnesleyUnitedChurch


FundScrip – Next Order date is Sunday, March 27th.

March promotions are:  Boston Pizza (5%), Old Navy/GAP/Banana Republic (9%), Kernels Popcorn (10%). 

Print an order form here: https://www.markdaleunited.ca/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/FUNDSCRIPORDERFORM-6.pdf

Flowers for the Easter Sunday Service

If you would like to provide Easter flowers in memory of a friend or a loved one to decorate the Sanctuary on Easter Sunday, April 17th, please call the office (519) 986-3019, so that names can be printed in the Easter Bulletin.  Flowers can be delivered to the church any time the week before the Easter Sunday service, and you are welcome to take them home afterward. Silk arrangements are also welcome, as some people are sensitive to the scent of lilies.

2021 Annual Report

The Annual Congregational Meeting will be taking place on April 10th this year, after the Palm Sunday Communion Service. A copy of the Annual Report is HERE:


The Hanley Institute presents ‘Macphail’

Please join us (13 Spring St., Flesherton)on April 2, 2022 for a celebration of Agnes Macphail.  Doors open at 2 p.m.  A small performance by the Hanley Theatre Club starts at 2:30 p.m. Cake and refreshments to follow.

Harriston Meat Packers

Harriston Meat Packers order forms will be available soon. Orders will be accepted until May 6th, for delivery on Friday May 13th, in time for the summer grilling season!

Annesley’s Latest Newsletter is Here!


More Annesley Generosity -Thank you

Update on appreciation lunches…. Markdale Hospital and Grey Gables                                                                                       Thank you so much everyone for the generous contributions to Annesley’s  “appreciation” fundraiser for local health care staff. We have now raised over $700! Next week Joanne Timmins and daughter Jenna are going to deliver lunch meals to both the staff at the Markdale hospital and Grey Gables. This will include sandwiches, drinks and chocolate treats for almost 100 people.  With remaining money we will arrange gifts for local paramedics. Again, thank you so much Annesley folks for your generosity. These lunches are a symbol of your caring.               Members of the Centering Prayer Group  

Emergency Response — Ukraine

On February 24th, the armed conflict between the Russian Federation and Ukraine erupted, costing precious lives and creating a humanitarian crisis as people flee from the conflict. The U.N. estimates that hundreds of thousands of people, displaced from their homes, are seeking refuge in neighbouring countries. Many have lost friends and loved ones, struggle to meet their basic needs, and face an uncertain future.

United Church Mission & Service partners are responding to the rapidly unfolding crisis.

You can help. Right now, people urgently need shelter, clean water, food, and medical attention.

Please show your support by making a gift today:

-Online https://united-church.ca/social-action/act-now/conflict-ukraine   via our secure donation page.                                                                                     

-Phone 416-231-5931 or toll-free 1-800-268-3781 ext. 2738 and use your Visa or MasterCard.                                                                                                                   

-Send a cheque or money order to:   The United Church of Canada Philanthropy Unit – Emergency Response
3250 Bloor Street West, Suite 200, Toronto, ON M8X 2Y4
Please be sure to note “Emergency Response—Ukraine” on the face of your cheque.    Note: As part of the United Church’s Emergency Response Fund, 100% of your donation goes directly to emergency relief, with 85% of your donation responding to this designated emergency and 15% responding to future emergencies that do not receive intense media coverage. Donations to Mission & Service enable the United Church to cover all of the costs of emergency response work without deducting any fees from your donation.

I Care ~ I Walk – Worth Celebrating!

Thanks to the generosity of Annesley members, $880 has been raised for the  I Care ~ I Walk fundraiser for the Grey Bruce Spiritual Care Council. The Council supports providers who journey with individuals and families in Grey Bruce hospitals to give care and connect them with their personal sense of faith and spirituality during difficult times. 95% of the money raised goes directly to bedside care and programs and 5% to Administration.  On behalf of the Annesley pastoral care team, a huge thank you to our donors/sponsors! Pictured here are pastoral care members Heather Spry and Jill Lawford with friend Lera Ryan. We renamed the fundraiser “I Care….I Snowshoe”!  (Dogs, Bryn and Katie refused to pose for the photo but were enthusiastic participants).   (Dogs, Bryn and Katie refused to pose for the photo but were enthusiastic participants).  

2022 Giving Envelopes are in

Stop by during office hours (Monday to Friday 10 – 2), or call the office at (519) 986-3019 if you would like to have your envelopes delivered to you.

Broadview Magazine Subscriptions

Broadview Scubscriptions are now due for March renewal.  Our Group Subscription runs from April 2022 to March 2023. Cost is still $25, and payment can be dropped off at the office or mailed to Annesley United Church, PO Box 573, Markdale, ON N0C 1H0.  New subscriptions are welcome!

The Grey Highlands Fire Department

Reminds you to CHECK YOUR ALARMS! Test your smoke and CO alarms monthly and change the batteries every 6 months. If you are unable to check your alarms on your own and you live in Grey Highlands, contact the GH Fire Department and we will be happy to complete a Home Alarm Safety Visit. Contact: 519-986-1216 ext. 227 fireadmin@greyhighlands.ca

Grey Smoke -Grey Highlands Fire and Fire Services -Then and Now

This documentary is about professionals. Dedicated volunteer men and women that have served the people of Grey Highlands in times of need for over 150 years. A story about fire and firefighting, told by firefighters. From the early days of wood structures and horse drawn equipment, to the latest in hi tech protection, the program also reveals some of the darker sides of what these special people face every time they get in a fire truck. Challenges, tragedy, lessons learned, physical and mental preparation, triumph and satisfaction – all are part of our most ancient association with fire. View the documentary on the Grey Highlands Cultural Channel, or using this link:

Grey Smoke – Grey Highlands Fire and Fire Services Then and Now

Centering Prayer

Centering Prayer has moved to Zoom at 2:00 p.m. on Fridays. Contact Lynn at 519-986-3707 for details.

Seniors ASK

Seniors ASK is a FREE program that specializes in helping seniors/caregivers by answering questions they may have in any area of concern to them, either locally or beyond Grey/Bruce. 519-374-9495 Senior friendly…Senior focused. When you have a question, JUST ASK. 

COVID-19 Policy November 21st, 2021

The Annesley Board has consulted with members of the congregation, other United churches in the area and around Ontario, contacts with Western Ontario Waterways  & Shining Waters Regional Councils, and  the Grey Bruce Health Unit to make a decision concerning requirements for COVID-19 vaccinations to attend services and events in the Annesley building.  It has been decided that until further notice, we will require verification of full (double) vaccination for anyone 12+ to attend any services and events in the building.  Many people advised that they were reluctant to attend unless this policy was adopted. We hope to continue to meet the spiritual needs of anyone who cannot attend, for any reason, through our live stream and recorded services. We recognize the positive and negative impacts this policy will have on various people, and do not want to exclude anyone, especially anyone who needs Pastoral Care.  Please advise if Pastoral Care is needed no matter what your vaccination status may be.  We will revisit this decision in the spring of 2022, at our Annual Congregational meeting to be held in April 2022. 

Annesley Library

Our library is a valuable resource. Keep it viable by using it. 

Prayer Shawl Ministry 

The Prayer Shawl Ministry is an important part of Annesley’s outreach. Warm and cozy shawls are given to those of the congregation and community who are bereaved or seriously ill. The appropriate yarn must be purchased. If you would like to help, put your donation in an envelope marked Prayer Shawl and your name and send it to the church office. If you know anyone in the community who would benefit from receiving a prayer shawl, please contact the Church office at 519-986-3019

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