23rd September, 2022 Announcements

You are welcome to join us September 25th at 10:30 a.m. in Person!

If you feel unwell, or cannot attend in person, the services are live streamed at 10:30 a.m. on Sundays, and will be posted to the YouTube channel for future viewing. To watch the Annesley Sunday Services on YouTube:  Annesley United Church’s YouTube Channel is: https://www.youtube.com/c/AnnesleyUnitedChurch

FundScrip – Next Order date is THIS Sunday, September 25th

September Promotions include BarBurrito (12%!) Metro (3%) and Pet Smart (5%).  Order forms are on the Annesley website or in the office and the Narthex. Petro Canada, Chevron and St. Louis Bar & Grill have been added to the available cards!


Annesley’s Take-Out Chicken Dinner October 19th

We will be having a take-out Chicken Dinner on Wednesday, October 19th , which would have been the date of our Turkey Supper. A dinner of  ½ Chicken, Baked Potato, Coleslaw, Bun & Dessert will be picked up between 5 – 7:00 p.m.  that day. Tickets ($20.00) are now available at the office.

Markdale Community Choir

Greetings and Salutations!

 I am excited to announce that the Markdale Community Choir will be reforming after a 2 year hiatus. As in previous years, we will usually be holding our rehearsals at Annesley United Church, Mondays from 7-9PM.  

After many wonderful years directing the choir, Chris Griffin will be passing the baton to myself, Bill Legate, along with David Fries returning to accompany the choir. We hope you will feel confident attending choir, and encourage you to ask friends and family to join as well. If you are planning on returning, please respond to b_legate@hotmail.com, indicating how many people you will be bringing and their voices (Soprano, Alto, Tenor, Bass). We are in particular need of tenors, so if you happen to know any young men who would like to earn volunteer hours for high school, bring them along! 

In order to help keep everyone in the choir healthy, we ask that you not attend rehearsals if you feel at all ill. Masks are not required, however you are welcome to wear it, if would make you more comfortable.  

The first rehearsal will be Monday, September 26 at Annesley United Church. Vivian will distribute the music that evening. We will be preparing for our Christmas Concert, December 11 and 12. 

David and I are excited to be returning to the great times we have had in the past!  As the famous song by The Happenings says, “See you, in September”! 


We will be observing the sacrament of Communion during our in-person service on Worldwide Communion Sunday, October 2nd.  If you can’t attend that day, we have arranged for Rev. Kathy Underwood to do home visits on October 26th with a member of our Pastoral Care Team to administer Communion in your home.  Call the office at 519-986-3019 if you want a visit that day.

Georgian Shores United Church: Invitation

Georgian Shores United Church in Owen Sound invites everyone to a special service THIS Sunday, (September 25, 2022) at 10:30 a.m. to celebrate Georgian Shores United Church becoming an Affirming Ministry.

General Congregational Meeting – October 23rd, 2022

On Sunday, October 23rd , immediately after the church service (11:45 a.m. or so), we will be having a General Congregational Meeting to accept the Final Report of the Visioning Team.  Copies of the report will be available to review before the meeting.

James Brown Trio – November 25th at Annesley

Annesley will be hosting The James Brown Trio on Friday evening, November 25th. James Brown is a talented Jazz guitarist, and we are excited for everyone to have the opportunity to enjoy a concert in our Sanctuary again.  You can find out more at www.jamesbrown.ca  and https://linktr.ee/jamesbrownguitar Tickets will be available at Annesley, local businesses, and by online purchase soon!

Wanted: Rental Accommodation

Rev. Adam Nickell has asked us to reach out to the community to see if anyone knows of available accommodation for a mother and her two young children in Markdale. The children will be attending Beavercrest Community School. Please call Rev. Nickell at 519-924-3422 if you can help.

2021 Annual Report

A copy of the Annual Report is HERE: 2021 Annual Report-ANNUAL-REPORTDownload

Emergency Response — Ukraine

On February 24th, the armed conflict between the Russian Federation and Ukraine erupted, costing precious lives and creating a humanitarian crisis as people flee from the conflict. The U.N. estimates that hundreds of thousands of people, displaced from their homes, are seeking refuge in neighbouring countries. Many have lost friends and loved ones, struggle to meet their basic needs, and face an uncertain future.

You can help. Right now, people urgently need shelter, clean water, food, and medical attention.

Please show your support by making a gift today:

-Online https://united-church.ca/social-action/act-now/conflict-ukraine   via our secure donation page.                                                                                     

-Phone 416-231-5931 or toll-free 1-800-268-3781 ext. 2738 and use your Visa or MasterCard.                                                                                                                   

-Send a cheque or money order to:   The United Church of Canada Philanthropy Unit – Emergency Response
3250 Bloor Street West, Suite 200, Toronto, ON M8X 2Y4
Please be sure to note “Emergency Response—Ukraine” on the face of your cheque.    Note: As part of the United Church’s Emergency Response Fund, 100% of your donation goes directly to emergency relief, with 85% of your donation responding to this designated emergency and 15% responding to future emergencies that do not receive intense media coverage.

Fall Bazaar

The organizers of the Fall Bazaar have decided, after careful consideration, to wait another year to hold the event . They were afraid that it would be too hard to have the full Bazaar and observe COVID precautions. We will try for  November , 2023!  

New to the Library

Welcoming the Unwelcome: Wholehearted Living in a Broken-hearted World

Pema Chödrön offers fresh wisdom, heartfelt reflections and her signature humour and insight with tools to find common ground, even when we disagree so we can build a stronger sense of community. She shares personal stories, simple practices and reliable advice. “For sure, I don’t want to waste another lifetime taking this current, very fleeting, very fragile persona so seriously.” Chödrön

Task Force Volunteers needed

It is not too late to volunteer to help with one of the tasks identified in the Visioning Committee’s Interim Report. Your ideas and help are needed!

Changes to COVID Policies at Annesley

As many of you know, the Provincial Government continues to lift mask mandates in many sectors. The Reopening Committee feels at this time that masks at Annesley will now be optional. The requirement to show proof of vaccination has also been removed.  The only time that you will be required to wear a mask is when singing. Also, please feel free to stand when singing. Lastly, we are hoping that coffee hour can return in September. Of course, due to the changing nature of COVID-19 and the new normal waves of infection, this could all change in the future. Thank you to all for your adherence to the many safety measures that have been put in place over the last several months.

Grey County Cares

Support our Ukrainian refugees in Grey County by buying a button for $10 or more – donations go directly to Ukrainian refugees in Grey County. Sponsored by the Rotary Club.  Buttons are in the office or in the Narthex on Sundays.

Plant Sale in the Spring

We hope to have a Plant Sale next spring, so keep us in mind when you are preparing your gardens for the cold weather.  We will be asking for plant donations when spring is here again.

Centering Prayer

Centering Prayer meets occasionally. Contact Lynn at 519-986-3707 for details.

Prayer Shawl Ministry 

The Prayer Shawl Ministry is an important part of Annesley’s outreach. Warm and cozy shawls are given to those of the congregation and community who are bereaved or seriously ill. The appropriate yarn must be purchased. If you would like to help, put your donation in an envelope marked Prayer Shawl and your name and send it to the church office. If you know anyone in the community who would benefit from receiving a prayer shawl, please call the office at 519-986-3019.

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